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Friday, March 18, 2011


  Centre for Women's  Studies -popular as  "THANAL" in the college-which is a statutory body under the University of Kerala is functioning very actively for the past few years for the welfare of girl students. During the year 2009-2010 , the Unit organised many beneficial programmes aiming at the total development of girl students.Prof.R.Vijaya Kumari Amma of the Department of Physics and Prof.Sandhya.C.Vidyadharan of the Department of English  are the present Co-ordinators of the Centre for Women's Studies.

Hon. Justice D.Sreedevi (Hon. Chairperson, Kerala State Women’s Commission) inaugurated the activities of the Centre for Women’s Studies on August 19, 2009 (Wednesday) at the college seminar hall. 
Prof.S.Sulabha (Rtd. Principal, S.N. Women’s Collge, Kollam) addressed the students. Pamphlets regarding Prevention of Domestic Violence Act were circulated among the students and teachers. A detailed discussion on the same was conducted. Prof.P.K.Reji (Secretary, College Council) and (Prof.T.A.Gitadevi, Ex.Co-ordinator, Centre for Women’s Studies) talked on the occasion.

Certificate Course in Fabric Painting.

Training in fabric painting was given to girl students at THANAL. The class was inaugurated by the Principal on 26-10-2009, Monday.  The coordinator of Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Kollam, Mr.Jayakrishnan spoke on the occasion. The short term course lasted for one week and the classes were handled by skilled trainers from Jan Shikshan Sansthan (Approved by the Govt. of India). 59 girl students were given intense training.
Certificate Distribution
Certificates were distributed to the students who successfully completed the course in Fabric Painting on 3-12-2009 (Thursday). The function was inaugurated by the Principal.  Mr.Jayakrishnan, the coordinator of Jan Shikshan Sansthan talked on the occasion. The certificates were distributed by the Principal and the coordinators of Centre for Women’s Studies.


A film festival was conducted on 20-01-2010 (Tuesday) and 21-01-2010(Wednesday). It was inaugurated by the College Principal. Documentaries highlighting the evils of dowry system and issues concerned women were shown on the first day of the festival. On the second day award wining films –
Nalu Pennungal (Four Women) by Adoor GopalaKrishnan and
Adaminte Variyellu by K.G.George were shown.

Debates and Discussions

Debates and discussions were conducted regularly on various issues concerned with women under the initiative of Thanal in which students and lady teachers actively participated. 

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