THANAL (തണല് )
Centre for Women's Studies -popular as "THANAL" in the college-which is a statutory body under the University of Kerala is functioning very actively for the past few years for the welfare of girl students. During the year 2009-2010 , the Unit organised many beneficial programmes aiming at the total development of girl students.Prof.R.Vijaya Kumari Amma of the Department of Physics and Prof.Sandhya.C.Vidyadharan of the Department of English are the present Co-ordinators of the Centre for Women's Studies.
A class was given to the girls students on 8-6-2010 friday at digital seminar hall on ' Women and Health' . Dr.Uma Mohandas , former DMO talked on the importance of observing hygienic pratices to stay healthy and gave a detailed class on how a woman should maintain physical as well as mental health.The one hour class was followed by a very fruitful interraction between the students and the doctor. Arrangements were also made for the students to consult the doctor in private . The session lasted for two hours and it was a noval as well as a highly informative session to the students as well as to the teachers.
A seminar on cyber crime and mobile abuse was conducted on 14-7-2010 at the college seminar hall in collaboration with the District Police Association. The session was inaugurated by the Superintendent of Police , Kollam , Harshida Attalluri IPS . Other top police officials also addressed the students . Prof. Laila Gandadharan , Executive Committe member , Centre for Womes Studies presented a paper on 'Women and Cyber Crime' . The talks were highly informative and created an awareness among students about the misuse of mobile phones and laws concerned with mobile abuse.
A seminar on abuse of mobile phones and internet was conducted on 20-9-2010 at digital seminar hall . The function was inaugurated by the respected principal Dr.K.Mohan Kumar .The Circle Inspector of Police, Sri Abhilash who spoke on the occasion pointed out that many women who fall victims to mobile abuse end their lives in suicide .The Circle Inspector of Police , Women’s Cell Kollam , Smt.Anitha Kumari delivered the key note address.She shared her experiences regarding the abuse of internet and mobile phones with the students and gave them suggestions to tackle the problems they face at public places and while tavelling.There was a close intrraction between the police officers and the students . Documentaries regarding the abuse of mobile phones and internet were shown on the occasion.The classes increased the confidence level of the students as well as gave them a thorough awareness about the precautions they must take while using mobile phones and internet .
A semiar on the role of women in administration was conducted on 10-12-2010 , as part of Bodhi Seminar Series at the college seminar hall . Womenworking in three different spheres interracted with the students during the occasion. Ms.K.Cisily, Hon’ble Member , Tranvancore Dewasom Board precided over the function. Addressing the students she pointed out that it is wrong to give women share in administration exclusively through reservation . Women should try to achieve cerebral and economic equality with men.
Adv.Isha Potti , MLA inaugurated the function. She told the students how she was able to relieve herself from the constraints of orthodox Brahamin customs and come to the limelight and adorn various positions including the office of District Panchayat President
Ms.Shylamony.G.S , District Panchayat Secretary , Kollam made the key note address. Principal Dr.Mohana Kumar , also spoke on the occasion .
In the aftrenoon session Ms Athira Jain of MA English and Surya Lekshmi of MA Economics presented papers on various topics connected with women empowerment . The function concluded with a very lively discussion in which both boys and girls participated.
The Centre For Women’s Studies had conducted a short term course in fabric painting for girls students on November 2009. On 12th and 13th of January , 2011 an exhibition cum sale of the various textile items painted by the students were arranged in collaboration with the Fine Arts Club of the college .Many students have adapted this skill as way to earn money along with their studies.The exhibiton was inaugurated by the cine – art director Mr.Shenley. This program got great applause and acclaim frm the part of the media.
The inaugural function of the short term course was precided over by the principal .The Village Panchayat President Ms.V.Tharabhai inaugurated the function. Prof.Gopakumar , delivering the keynote address talked of the importance of acquiring economic independence as it will boost up self-confidence of women.Mr.Jayakrishan , the co-ordinator , Jan Shikshan Sanstan also spoke on the occasion. Ms.B.S.Arya of 1st year Physics proposed the vote of thanks. 52 students registered their names for the ornament making class
The short term course in ornament making was conducted from January 24 to February 4. The course lasted for 10 days. 52 students got the skill training.There were 2 batches ,each having 26 students.The students were given training in making various kinds of ornaments and the materials were supplied free of cost by the trainers.Only an amount of 200 was collected from each student as the registration fee. All the 52 students successfully completed the course. Arrangements were also made to provide a regular supply of raw materials to the students so that they can earn money from the skill they have gained.
The course was conducted in collaboration with Jan Shikshan Sansthan , a unit under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The classes were handled by skilled trainers from the Jan Shikshan Sansthan
An exhibition cum sale of the ornaments made by the students who got training from the classes arranged by the Centre for Women’s Studies was conducted on 1st March. A good variety of different types of ornaments attracted both the students and the staff . Almost all the items were sold within a few hours . The sale generated a feeling of self esteem in the students and they also understood the advantages of economic independence . The attempt was able to achieve its goal – to create enterprising skills along with a new culture – earning money with studies.
As a part of the centenary celebrations of the International Women’s Day , the Centre for Women’s Studies unit organised myriads of functions on Tuesday , 8th March.
On the day when Womanhood was being celebrated the world over , a poster designing competition was conducted in the college and out of the 18 contestants , Pradeep.P.K of 4TH semester M.A English and Vineeth of 2nd semester B.A Malayalam bagged the 1st and the 2nd prizes.The topic given to the students had great contemporary relevance – “Woman in the Contemporary Scenario “ . The posters were exhibited in the college campus on March 8. The winners were given cash prizes by the principal in a function organised in the Digital Seminar Hall on the same day .
Students and the staff assembled in the campus to take the pledge “Save Nature , Save Woman”. To mark the occasion a mango sapling was planted in the collage campus by the principal .
A seminar was organized in the Digital Seminar Hall at 11 am. Inaugurating the seminar the principal pointed out that today Women are feeling increasingly insecure. Crowded public transport and bus stops contribute to the feeling of insecurity . The co-ordinators of the Centre for Women’s Studies Prof.Sandhya.C.Vidyadharan and Prof.Vijayakumari Amma and also Prof. Laila Gangadharan addressed the students .The keynote address was given by Dr.S.Girijakumari, writer and orator of the Zoology Department . She said that lack of lighting and safe transportation has left women vulnerable to gender based violence. Society is yet to evolve in a way as to give adequate respect and security to women . Safety at work places is a major concern for women with the changing times . Ms.Athira Jain on 4th semester M.A English also spoke to the students . Ms.Arya.S.R. proposed the vote of thanks.
In the lively discussion that followed the talks , the students pointed out that the laws providing protection to women are being sabotaged by the society . The boys who participated in the discussion said that women are still under the grip of false notions though , they have achieved immense progress in many spheres. Despite ground breaking progress in different fields , even educated and employed women think that aging is a crime , beauty anxiety has become a mental problem and many are groping in the darkness of media – illiteracy
The various functions arranged under the aegis of Centre for Women’s Studies on the day succeeded in creating an awareness in the students of the status of women in the society and also a concern over increase in crimes against women
( Convenor , Centre for Women’s Studies
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